- Congratulations Sue! Our Nurse of the Month for February
- Congratulations Jose! Our Nurse of the Month for January
- Congratulations Nicoleta! Our Nurse of the Month for December
- Congratulations Stephanie! Our Nurse of the Month for November
- Congratulations Nathan! Our Nurse of the Month for September
- Patient Safety Day 2024
- Congratulations Clare! Our Nurse of the Month for June
- The comfiest shoes for an agency nurse
- Congratulations Caroline! Our HCA of the Month for April
- Congratulations Flora! Our Nurse of the Month for March
- Congratulations Gregory! Our Nurse of the Month for February
- Congratulations Lauren! Our Nurse of the Month for January
- 9 things to expect when working in a care home
- Congratulations Steve! Our Nurse of the Month for December
- Congratulations Daniel! Our Nurse of the Month for November
- Your complete mental health nurse career progression guide
- Congratulations Rita! Our Nurse of the Month for October
- Congratulations Jonathan! Our Nurse of the Month for August
- How to earn more money as a nurse this summer
- How to become an advanced nurse practitioner
- Congratulations Nasima! Our Nurse of the Month for July
- 9 qualities and attributes found in all great nurses
- Congratulations Gerald! Our Nurse of the Month for June
- Midwife essentials for your first agency shift
- What does a palliative care nurse do?
- Congratulations Kym! Our Nurse of the Month for May
- A nurse’s guide to salary and pay rates in Wales
- How to become a paediatric nurse in the UK
- Different types of nursing specialties and roles in the UK (2023)
- What is a practice nurse and how to become one
- Congratulations Joseph! Our Nurse of the Month for April
- Sarah’s story: Volunteering in the aftermath of an earthquake
- Congratulations Ben! Our Nurse of the Month for March
- Working as an agency nurse in Wales
- What is a community nurse and how to become one
- 10 skills and qualities of an outstanding mental health nurse
- Congratulations Daniele! Our Nurse of the Month for February
- Congratulations Keith! Our Nurse of the Month for January
- Congratulations Mohammed! Our HCA of the Month for November
- How to integrate with a new team as an agency nurse
- Terrifying TNS nurse stories
- Congratulations Helena! Our Nurse of the Month for October
- Best watches for nurses 2022
- Congratulations Annmarie! Our Nurse of the Month for September
- Best discounts and freebies for nurses
- Payroll FAQ
- Five key attributes of a district nurse
- Congratulations Alice! Our Nurse of the Month for August
- What is the role of a midwife?
- Why choose Peterborough for your next nursing role?
- Congratulations Cecilia! Our Nurse of the Month for July
- Pride Month Celebrations
- Congratulations Zakia! Our Nurse of the Month for June
- Why choose London for your next nursing role?
- What does a district nurse do?
- Congratulations Akinyemi! Our Nurse of the Month for May
- Why choose Leeds for your next nursing role?
- What is a theatre nurse?
- International Nurses Day: Celebrating the Best of Nursing
- Why choose Cardiff for your next nursing role?
- What is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)?
- Why choose Bristol for your next nursing role?
- Congratulations Emeliah! Our Nurse of the Week
- Congratulations Debra! Our Nurse of the Week
- Congratulations Nii! Our Nurse of the Week
- Congratulations Stella! Our Nurse of the Week
- Why become a nurse?
- Community Nurse of the Year, Joanne.
- Owen, our Nurse of the Year for England.
- Congratulations Owen! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Congratulations Keith! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Congratulations Phil! Our Nurse of the Week.
- National Work Life Week
- How to prioritise your wellbeing
- Cardiac cath lab nurses
- What is an ENP nurse (Emergency Nurse Practitioner)?
- Congratulations Tendai! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Congratulations Sever! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Congratulations Susan! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Congratulations Michelle! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Congratulations Anna! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Stay cool during the hot weather
- 10 tips to speed up your agency application
- Congratulations Neil! Our Nurse of the Week.
- Access free Covid-19 home test kits
- Congratulations Lucy! Our Nurse of the Week in aid of International Nurses’ Day
- Congratulations Polly! Our Nurse of the Week in aid of International Nurses’ Day
- Congratulations Agnieszka! Our Nurse of the Week
- Why recent changes to IR35 rules don’t affect Thornbury nurses
- Helping to improve your sleeping habits
- Giving Back Giveaway – Summer holiday week
- The average pay rates for nurses
- Giving Back Giveaway – Enjoy your garden week
- Top 5 tips to stay safe online and avoid cyber attacks
- Giving Back Giveaway – Lifestyle week
- International Women’s Day
- What is a paediatric nurse and what do they do?
- Giving Back Giveaway – Getaway week
- What is a mental health nurse?
- Giving Back Giveaway – Experiences week
- £1000 Giving Back Giveaway, in partnership with Sofa Club
- A Thank You from Thornbury Nursing
- What is an ITU nurse?
- How to become an A&E nurse in England and Wales
- Looking after your skin whilst in PPE
- Hand care with Nursem
- The Nursing Agency in Birmingham
- Monica, Our Nurse of the Year for Wales.
- Ben, our Nurse of the Year for England.
- Community Nurse of the Year, Christine.
- Parkdean Christmas Giveaway
- Celebrating the many talents of nursing professionals
- Nursing in Wales
- Extra support with Thornbury
- Acts of Kindness Wall
- Taking care of you
- Nursing the world to health
- Five nurses who changed history
- COVID-19 temporary redeployment measures
- COVID-19 testing for agency nurses
- Preparing for your shift during COVID-19
- The latest COVID-19 guidance from NICE
- 8 things to do when self-isolating
- Volunteering in the community during the Coronavirus outbreak
- COVID-19 guidance: donning and doffing PPE
- COVID-19 social media guidance
- Accommodation during COVID-19
- Children at home – continuing education
- Looking after your mental health while you’re self-isolating or social distancing
- Dedicated supermarket hours for NHS staff
- Thank You, Nurses
- 7 ways to boost your immune system
- Tips and tricks to keep the kids entertained
- Busy day ahead? Here are some foods to give you a boost
- Our response to COVID-19
- Advice on becoming an agency worker
- Stress at work
- A Brief History of Nursing
- What does a chemotherapy nurse do?
- ‘Forget what you think you know about babies, this will be different’.
- Apprenticeship levy costs offset to nurses working through umbrella companies
- Sepsis – trust your instincts
- The night shift: Survival tips for nurses
- The 3 golden rules of agency nursing
- 10 reasons to be a Thornbury nurse
- Combat workplace stress with Thornbury
- Taking care of my mental health
- Aviation Nursing
- Charity nurse
- Thornbury night staff
- Cavell Nurses’ Trust fundraising roundup 2018
- Revalidation made easy: Practice hours
- Congratulations to April! Our nurse of the week
- Congratulations to Sophie! Our nurse of the week
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- Cardiac Catheter Lab Nurse
- Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (ANNP)
- High Dependency Unit (HDU) Nurse
- Endoscopy Nurse
- Paediatric ITU Nurse
- Surgical First Assistant
- Nursing Home Nurse
- Renal Dialysis Nurse
- Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP)
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
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- Neonatal Nurse
- Learning Disability Nurse
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- Paediatric A&E Nurse
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- Paediatric Nurse
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